Korean Adoptee DNA Toolbox
Where should I test?
Everywhere you can. Companies you can buy a DNA kit from are Ancestry, 23andMe, MyHeritage, and FTDNA. 325KAMRA distributes FTDNA kits at no charge to qualified individuals.
Here is a list of DNA Companies and Third Party Platforms.
What is a CentiMorgan (cMs)?
I DNA tested, NOW WHAT?
1. Download your DNA Raw Data from the providers' site to your computer
2. Upload the Raw Data to the 3rd party companies that will accept it.
Genesis GedMatch (replaces the old Gedmatch)/Verogen
Most of the companies can only transfer Ancestry DNA versions 1 and 2.
If you have a problem uploading your Ancestry DNA, here is a tool called a Patch to help convert the file so it can be accepted to upload to FTDNA.
Understanding Ethnicity Breakdowns:
To apply for a free FTDNA kit, visit this page:
For DNA help, join the Facebook Group DNA tested Korean Adoptees and Korean War veterans and their children: